Action Reference for SPS Commerce Connector

Actions are used by a workflow to to download, upload, inspect or manipulate data from a system.

Refer to the table below for action details.

Action Name Description Version
Add a Record to a UDO Add a record to the named User Defined Object (UDO) in SAP Business One. Select a message to add to the UDO.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UDOInsert in earlier versions.
Add an Object Record (Insert Unit of Work) Add the identified object record in SAP Business One using the provided message. This action uses the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UnitOfWorkInsert in earlier versions.
Apply Order Update SPS Mappings Use the configured ‘order update’ SPS mappings, as defined in SAP Business One. The results of this action provide a report of any issues that occurred during the mapping attempt. 1.7+
Close an Inventory Counting Document Close the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 1.5+
Create an Inventory Counting Document Add a new inventory counting document. 1.5+
Create an Inventory Posting Add a new inventory posting. 1.4+
Create and Upload a File Create and upload an SFTP file based on the selected input message.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as CreateFile in earlier versions.
Get a UDO Record Get the specified record for the named User Defined Object (UDO) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as Get UDO in earlier versions.
Get a UDT Record Get the specified record from the specified User Defined Table (UDT) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as Get UDT in earlier versions.
Get All Results from a Query Execute the specified SAP Business One query using query category and query name, with support for parameters (as needed). Get all results from the query.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as QueryGetAllResults in earlier versions.
Get an Inventory Counting Document Fetch the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 1.5+
Get an Inventory Posting Fetch the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 1.4+
Get an Object Get the specified object name and object key from SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as Get Object in earlier versions.
Get the Scalar Result from a Query Execute the specified SAP Business One query using query category and query name, with support for parameters (as needed). Get the scalar result (first column and row only) and discard all other data.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as QueryGetScalarResult in earlier versions.
Insert a Record into a UDT Insert a record into the specified User Defined Table (UDT) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UDTInsert in earlier versions.
Send an Email Send an email using the selected email provider. 1.0+
SPS ASN 856 Outbound SPS Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) 856 Processor. 1.0+
SPS Inventory Advice 846 Outbound SPS Inventory Advice 846 Processor. 1.0+
SPS Invoice 810 Outbound SPS Invoice 810 Processor. 1.0+
SPS Order 850 Inbound SPS Order 850 Processor. 1.0+
SPS Order Ack 855 Outbound SPS Order Acknowledgement 855 Processor. 1.0+
SPS Shipment Advice 945 Inbound SPS Shipment Advice 945 Processor. 1.0+
SPS Shipment ASN Insert a shipment User Defined Object (UDO) record for the specified Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) in preparation for further processing. 1.0+
SPS Shipping Order 940 Outbound SPS Shipping Order 940 Processor. 1.0+
Update a Record in a UDT Update a record in the named User Defined Table (UDT) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UDTUpdate in earlier versions.
Update an Inventory Counting Record Update the inventory counting record with the specified DocEntry. 1.5+
Update an Inventory Posting Update the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 1.4+
Update an Object Record (Update Unit of Work) Update the identified object record in SAP Business One using the provided message. This action uses the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UnitOfWorkUpdate in earlier versions.
Validate Map Output Attempt to map the input message using Visual Data Mapper. The original message is displayed in the output message’s Payload node. Any resulting map errors are returned as alerts under a Result node. 1.1+

Action Names

Add a Record to a UDO

Action Name Description Version
Add a Record to a UDO Add a record to the named User Defined Object (UDO) in SAP Business One. Select a message to add to the UDO.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UDOInsert in earlier versions.

Add an Object Record (Insert Unit of Work)

Action Name Description Version
Add an Object Record (Insert Unit of Work) Add the identified object record in SAP Business One using the provided message. This action uses the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UnitOfWorkInsert in earlier versions.

Apply Order Update SPS Mappings

Action Name Description Version
Apply Order Update SPS Mappings Use the configured ‘order update’ SPS mappings, as defined in SAP Business One. The results of this action provide a report of any issues that occurred during the mapping attempt. 1.7+

Close an Inventory Counting Document

Action Name Description Version
Close an Inventory Counting Document Close the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 1.5+

Create an Inventory Counting Document

Action Name Description Version
Create an Inventory Counting Document Add a new inventory counting document. 1.5+

Create an Inventory Posting

Action Name Description Version
Create an Inventory Posting Add a new inventory posting. 1.4+

Create and Upload a File

Action Name Description Version
Create and Upload a File Create and upload an SFTP file based on the selected input message.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as CreateFile in earlier versions.

Get a UDO Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a UDO Record Get the specified record for the named User Defined Object (UDO) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as Get UDO in earlier versions.

Get a UDT Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a UDT Record Get the specified record from the specified User Defined Table (UDT) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as Get UDT in earlier versions.

Get All Results from a Query

Action Name Description Version
Get All Results from a Query Execute the specified SAP Business One query using query category and query name, with support for parameters (as needed). Get all results from the query.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as QueryGetAllResults in earlier versions.

Get an Inventory Counting Document

Action Name Description Version
Get an Inventory Counting Document Fetch the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 1.5+

Get an Inventory Posting

Action Name Description Version
Get an Inventory Posting Fetch the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 1.4+

Get an Object

Action Name Description Version
Get an Object Get the specified object name and object key from SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as Get Object in earlier versions.

Get the Scalar Result from a Query

Action Name Description Version
Get the Scalar Result from a Query Execute the specified SAP Business One query using query category and query name, with support for parameters (as needed). Get the scalar result (first column and row only) and discard all other data.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as QueryGetScalarResult in earlier versions.

Insert a Record into a UDT

Action Name Description Version
Insert a Record into a UDT Insert a record into the specified User Defined Table (UDT) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UDTInsert in earlier versions.

Send an Email

Action Name Description Version
Send an Email Send an email using the selected email provider. 1.0+


Action Name Description Version
SPS ASN 856 Outbound SPS Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) 856 Processor. 1.0+

SPS Inventory Advice 846

Action Name Description Version
SPS Inventory Advice 846 Outbound SPS Inventory Advice 846 Processor. 1.0+

SPS Invoice 810

Action Name Description Version
SPS Invoice 810 Outbound SPS Invoice 810 Processor. 1.0+

SPS Order 850

Action Name Description Version
SPS Order 850 Inbound SPS Order 850 Processor. 1.0+

SPS Order Ack 855

Action Name Description Version
SPS Order Ack 855 Outbound SPS Order Acknowledgement 855 Processor. 1.0+

SPS Shipment Advice 945

Action Name Description Version
SPS Shipment Advice 945 Inbound SPS Shipment Advice 945 Processor. 1.0+

SPS Shipment ASN

Action Name Description Version
SPS Shipment ASN Insert a shipment User Defined Object (UDO) record for the specified Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) in preparation for further processing. 1.0+

SPS Shipping Order 940

Action Name Description Version
SPS Shipping Order 940 Outbound SPS Shipping Order 940 Processor. 1.0+

Update a Record in a UDT

Action Name Description Version
Update a Record in a UDT Update a record in the named User Defined Table (UDT) in SAP Business One.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UDTUpdate in earlier versions.

Update an Inventory Counting Record

Action Name Description Version
Update an Inventory Counting Record Update the inventory counting record with the specified DocEntry. 1.5+

Update an Inventory Posting

Action Name Description Version
Update an Inventory Posting Update the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 1.4+

Update an Object Record (Update Unit of Work)

Action Name Description Version
Update an Object Record (Update Unit of Work) Update the identified object record in SAP Business One using the provided message. This action uses the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

Renamed in version 1.3.4, this action is the same as UnitOfWorkUpdate in earlier versions.

Validate Map Output

Action Name Description Version
Validate Map Output Attempt to map the input message using Visual Data Mapper. The original message is displayed in the output message’s Payload node. Any resulting map errors are returned as alerts under a Result node. 1.1+

Soft Failure Mode for Validate Map Output Action

By default, map validation failures cause a workflow to fail. To use this action as intended (i.e. to `soft fail” and allow this action to return a message with the real failure details), a workflow variable must be added to the workflow that uses this action. This configuration is required until the platform supports a more general-purpose soft failure mode.

Without the following configuration, instead of returning map errors in the output message, the workflow will fail when a validation attempt fails.

In either case (with or without soft failure setup), successful mappings flow through the workflow as normal.

To set up soft failures:

  • Configure the action mapping, including the desired Apply Map options (see Create a Visual Data Map - Step 1 for a walkthrough). See marker 1 in the screenshot below.

  • Copy the ID of the action where soft failures need to be enabled. See marker 2.

    Validate Map Output - Example 1

  • Save the Workflow.

  • Open Workflow Settings.

  • Create a variable called SoftFailMappingErrors, and set the type to string with a comma-delimited list of Validate Map Output action IDs.

    • Variable name: SoftFailMappingErrors
    • Description: These actions will be run in soft failure mode.
    • Type: String
    • Default Value: (same as Current Value)
    • Current Value: (a comma-delimited list of Validate Map Output actions which should be run in soft failure mode)


    • The following example will run action maps for three Validate Map Output actions in soft failure mode.

      Validate Map Output - Example 2

  • Restart the engine. Once configured, the project engine must be restarted to pick up variable changes.

  • Manually run the workflow to verify results. For a walkthrough of this feature, see Manually Running Workflows from the Messages Screen.