Action Reference for SAP Business One SQL (B1WebAPI) Connector

Actions are used by a workflow to to download, upload, inspect or manipulate data from a system.

Refer to the table below for action details.

Action Name Description Version
Add a Record to a UDO Add a record to the named User Defined Object (UDO). Select a message to add to the UDO.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOAddRecord.
Add an Activity Add an activity.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityAdd.
Change Web User Password Change a web user’s password. Requires a web user name (email), old password and new password.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as WebUserChangePassword.
Close an Inventory Counting Document Close the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 7.3+
Create a Financial Project. Add a new financial project. 7.10+
Create a Journal Voucher Record Add a new journal voucher record. 7.14+
Create a Landed Cost Record Add a new landed cost record. 7.15+
Create a New UDO Create a User Defined Object (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOCreate.
Create a Time Sheet Record Add a new time sheet record. 7.3+
Create a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Add a new unit of measurement group record. 7.14+
Create a Unit Of Measurement Record Add a new unit of measurement record. 7.14+
Create an Inventory Counting Document Add a new inventory counting document. 7.3+
Create an Inventory Posting Add a new inventory posting. 7.3+
Delete a B1 Object Record (Delete Unit of Work) Delete the identified B1 Object record using the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword. Note that some objects don’t support deletes, as determined by the version of B1 and the DI-API.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkDeleteB1ObjectRecord.
Delete a Financial Project Delete a financial project with the specified project code. 7.10+
Delete a Time Sheet Record Delete the time sheet record with the specified time sheet number. 7.3+
Delete a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Delete the unit of measurement group record with the specified number. 7.14+
Delete a Unit Of Measurement Record Delete the unit of measurement record with the specified number. 7.14+
Delete an Activity Delete an activity by ID (ClgCode).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityDelete.
Fetch Financial Project data for a triggered transaction record Use the triggered message (‘Current’ message) to define the object and its ID. Fetch the indicated financial project data as this action’s output. 7.17+
Fetch object data for a triggered transaction record Use the triggered message (‘Current’ message) to define the object and its ID. Fetch the indicated object data as this action’s output. 7.4+
Get a B1 Object Get the specified B1Object by object name and object key.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as B1ObjectGetObject.
Get a Batch Numbers Master Data Document Fetch the batch numbers master data document with the specified DocEntry. 7.16+
Get a Financial Project Fetch a financial project with the specified project code. 7.10+
Get a Landed Cost Record Fetch the landed cost with the specified number. 7.15+
Get a List of all UDOs Get a list of all User Defined Objects (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOGetList.
Get a List of Business Partner Groups Get a list of business partner groups.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as Get BusinessPartnerGroups.
Get a List of Item Prices Get item prices for multiple items.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ItemPriceGetBatchOfPrices.
Get a List of Queries in a Category Get a list of b1 queries in the provided query category name.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetQueriesByCategoryName.
Get a List of UDTs Get a list of all User Defined Tables (UDT).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTGetList.
Get a Query's Definition Get a query definition for the specified query name and query category.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetDefinition.
Get a Time Sheet Record Fetch the Time Sheet record with the specified time sheet number. 7.3+
Get a UDO Record Get the specified record for the named User Defined Object (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDO Get Record.
Get a UDT Record Get a record from a User Defined Table (UDT). Requires the UDT name and record Code.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTGetRecord.
Get a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Fetch the unit of measurement group record with the specified number. 7.14+
Get a Unit Of Measurement Record Fetch the unit of measurement record with the specified number. 7.14+
Get All Inbox Messages Get all messages in the B1 inbox for the user assigned to the selected B1WebAPI Connection Config.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageGetInBox.
Get All Outbox Messages Get all messages in the B1 outbox.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageGetOutBox.
Get All Query Categories Get a list of all b1 query categories.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryCategoryGetAllCategories.
Get All Records in a UDT Get all records from a User Defined Table (UDT). Requires the UDT name.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTGetRecords.
Get All Results from a Query Execute a B1 query for the specified query category and query name, plus query-specific parameters (as needed). Get all results from the query.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetAllResults.
Get an Activity Get an activity by ID (ClgCode).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityGet.
Get an Inventory Counting Document Fetch the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 7.3+
Get an Inventory Posting Fetch the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 7.3+
Get an Item's Price Get pricing for the specified customer Card Code and Item Code.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ItemGetPrice.
Get B1 Message Schema Get message schema for B1 inbox/outbox messages.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageGetSchema.
Get B1 Object Schema Get B1Object schema by object name.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as B1ObjectGetSchema.
Get Info about an Attachment Get attachment details for the specified attachment.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as AttachmentGetInfo.
Get System Info Get B1 System Info for the company specified in the selected connector config.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as SystemInfoGetInfo.
Get the Chart of Accounts Get chart of accounts.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as Get ChartOfAccounts.
Get the Scalar Result from a Query Execute a B1 query for the specified query category and query name, plus query-specific parameters (as needed). Get the scalar result (first column and row only) from the query and discard all other data.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetScalarResult.
Get the Schema for a UDO Get the schema for the named User Defined Object (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOGetSchema.
Insert a B1 Object Record (Insert Unit of Work) Insert the provided message into the identified B1 Object using the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkInsertB1ObjectRecord.
Insert a Record into a UDT Insert a record into the specified User Defined Table (UDT).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTInsert.
Install Metadata from an Extracted Zip File Install metadata from the specified input message. The message is generated by using another action or trigger to import a zip file, such as via SFTP. This action may update the database structure (ex: when UDFs are added) which will result in B1 client logout prompts for active users. 7.11+
Perform a Web User Login Perform a web login with the provided web username (email) and password. Applies to both BP Contact web users and Employee web users.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as WebUserPerformLogin.
Preview a B1 Object Record (Preview Unit of Work) Preview the identified B1 Object using the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkPreviewB1ObjectRecord.
Send a B1 Message Create a B1 message and add it to the outbox to be sent.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageSend.
Submit a Batch of Transactions Submit a batch of transactions. Failure will abort the batch entirely.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as BatchSubmit.
Update a B1 Object Record (Update Unit of Work) Update the identified B1 Object with the provided message. Uses the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkUpdateB1ObjectRecord.
Update a Batch Numbers Master Data Record Update the batch numbers master data record with the specified DocEntry. 7.16+
Update a Financial Project. Update a financial project with the specified project code. 7.10+
Update a Landed Cost Record Update the landed cost record with the specified number. 7.15+
Update a Record in a UDT Update a record in the named User Defined Table (UDT).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTUpdate.
Update a Time Sheet Record Update the time sheet record with the specified time sheet number. 7.3+
Update a UDO Record Update a record to the named User Defined Object (UDO). Select a message to update to the UDO.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDO Update Record.
Update a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Update the unit of measurement group record with the specified number. 7.14+
Update a Unit Of Measurement Record Update the unit of measurement record with the specified number. 7.14+
Update an Activity Update an activity by ID (ClgCode).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityUpdate.
Update an Inventory Counting Record Update the inventory counting record with the specified DocEntry. 7.3+
Update an Inventory Posting Update the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 7.3+
Upload and Process an Attachment Upload raw file and create/modify an attachment in B1.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as AttachmentUploadAndProcess.

Action Names

Add a Record to a UDO

Action Name Description Version
Add a Record to a UDO Add a record to the named User Defined Object (UDO). Select a message to add to the UDO.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOAddRecord.

Add an Activity

Action Name Description Version
Add an Activity Add an activity.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityAdd.

Change Web User Password

Action Name Description Version
Change Web User Password Change a web user’s password. Requires a web user name (email), old password and new password.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as WebUserChangePassword.

Close an Inventory Counting Document

Action Name Description Version
Close an Inventory Counting Document Close the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 7.3+

Create a Financial Project.

Action Name Description Version
Create a Financial Project. Add a new financial project. 7.10+

Create a Journal Voucher Record

Action Name Description Version
Create a Journal Voucher Record Add a new journal voucher record. 7.14+

Create a Landed Cost Record

Action Name Description Version
Create a Landed Cost Record Add a new landed cost record. 7.15+

Create a New UDO

Action Name Description Version
Create a New UDO Create a User Defined Object (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOCreate.

Create a Time Sheet Record

Action Name Description Version
Create a Time Sheet Record Add a new time sheet record. 7.3+

Create a Unit Of Measurement Group Record

Action Name Description Version
Create a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Add a new unit of measurement group record. 7.14+

Create a Unit Of Measurement Record

Action Name Description Version
Create a Unit Of Measurement Record Add a new unit of measurement record. 7.14+

Create an Inventory Counting Document

Action Name Description Version
Create an Inventory Counting Document Add a new inventory counting document. 7.3+

Create an Inventory Posting

Action Name Description Version
Create an Inventory Posting Add a new inventory posting. 7.3+

Delete a B1 Object Record (Delete Unit of Work)

Action Name Description Version
Delete a B1 Object Record (Delete Unit of Work) Delete the identified B1 Object record using the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword. Note that some objects don’t support deletes, as determined by the version of B1 and the DI-API.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkDeleteB1ObjectRecord.

Delete a Financial Project

Action Name Description Version
Delete a Financial Project Delete a financial project with the specified project code. 7.10+

Delete a Time Sheet Record

Action Name Description Version
Delete a Time Sheet Record Delete the time sheet record with the specified time sheet number. 7.3+

Delete a Unit Of Measurement Group Record

Action Name Description Version
Delete a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Delete the unit of measurement group record with the specified number. 7.14+

Delete a Unit Of Measurement Record

Action Name Description Version
Delete a Unit Of Measurement Record Delete the unit of measurement record with the specified number. 7.14+

Delete an Activity

Action Name Description Version
Delete an Activity Delete an activity by ID (ClgCode).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityDelete.

Fetch Financial Project data for a triggered transaction record

Action Name Description Version
Fetch Financial Project data for a triggered transaction record Use the triggered message (‘Current’ message) to define the object and its ID. Fetch the indicated financial project data as this action’s output. 7.17+

Fetch object data for a triggered transaction record

Action Name Description Version
Fetch object data for a triggered transaction record Use the triggered message (‘Current’ message) to define the object and its ID. Fetch the indicated object data as this action’s output. 7.4+

This action supports object hydration within a workflow instead of within a trigger. Use this action to prevent long-running triggers from timing out silently in combination with the WorkFlowMessages Data trigger. This two-step process allows the trigger to provide a very small data set to each workflow execution, and allows this action to hydrate (populate) data into the “Current Message”.

This feature addresses bug 41736.

For instructions on how to convert an older workflow using triggers “WorkFlowMessages” or “WorkFlowMessages v2”, see Release Notes for version 7.4.0

Fetch object data: Setup Example

To set up a workflow using this action, proceed as follows. The advantage of using this two-step approach is that retry logic and troubleshooting tools can be used natively within Saltbox.

  • In the manage workflows page create a new workflow.

  • Edit the workflow. Configure workflow settings as desired.

  • In the workflow trigger page:

    • Configure the trigger using the SAP Business One SQL (B1WebAPI) Connector using the source WorkFlowMessages Data.

    • Configure Source settings as required to fetch the desired data. For example, select oOrders to fetch order data, or oBusinessPartners to fetch Business Partner data.

    • Modify the schedule if desired (for example, set it to “Manual” mode).

    • Save changes.

  • In the workflow designer page:

    • Add the action Fetch object data for a triggered transaction record.

      On workflow execution, when this action is successful, it will overwrite the “Current Message” with hydrated object data, allowing subsequent actions to use “Current Message” to inspect/use that object’s data.

      When this action is unsuccessful, “Current Message” remains unchanged, with simple trigger data instead of fully hydrated object data. This allows retry logic and troubleshooting tools to access the message.

    • Edit the action. Update the “Config” to use the same one as the trigger.

    • Save changes.

    • Configure other workflow details using “Current Message” when object data is needed.

  • At this point the workflow can be run and verified.

Get a B1 Object

Action Name Description Version
Get a B1 Object Get the specified B1Object by object name and object key.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as B1ObjectGetObject.

Get a Batch Numbers Master Data Document

Action Name Description Version
Get a Batch Numbers Master Data Document Fetch the batch numbers master data document with the specified DocEntry. 7.16+

Get a Financial Project

Action Name Description Version
Get a Financial Project Fetch a financial project with the specified project code. 7.10+

Get a Landed Cost Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a Landed Cost Record Fetch the landed cost with the specified number. 7.15+

Get a List of all UDOs

Action Name Description Version
Get a List of all UDOs Get a list of all User Defined Objects (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOGetList.

Get a List of Business Partner Groups

Action Name Description Version
Get a List of Business Partner Groups Get a list of business partner groups.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as Get BusinessPartnerGroups.

Get a List of Item Prices

Action Name Description Version
Get a List of Item Prices Get item prices for multiple items.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ItemPriceGetBatchOfPrices.

Get a List of Queries in a Category

Action Name Description Version
Get a List of Queries in a Category Get a list of b1 queries in the provided query category name.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetQueriesByCategoryName.

Get a List of UDTs

Action Name Description Version
Get a List of UDTs Get a list of all User Defined Tables (UDT).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTGetList.

Get a Query’s Definition

Action Name Description Version
Get a Query's Definition Get a query definition for the specified query name and query category.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetDefinition.

Get a Time Sheet Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a Time Sheet Record Fetch the Time Sheet record with the specified time sheet number. 7.3+

Get a UDO Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a UDO Record Get the specified record for the named User Defined Object (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDO Get Record.

Get a UDT Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a UDT Record Get a record from a User Defined Table (UDT). Requires the UDT name and record Code.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTGetRecord.

Get a Unit Of Measurement Group Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Fetch the unit of measurement group record with the specified number. 7.14+

Get a Unit Of Measurement Record

Action Name Description Version
Get a Unit Of Measurement Record Fetch the unit of measurement record with the specified number. 7.14+

Get All Inbox Messages

Action Name Description Version
Get All Inbox Messages Get all messages in the B1 inbox for the user assigned to the selected B1WebAPI Connection Config.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageGetInBox.

Get All Outbox Messages

Action Name Description Version
Get All Outbox Messages Get all messages in the B1 outbox.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageGetOutBox.

Get All Query Categories

Action Name Description Version
Get All Query Categories Get a list of all b1 query categories.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryCategoryGetAllCategories.

Get All Records in a UDT

Action Name Description Version
Get All Records in a UDT Get all records from a User Defined Table (UDT). Requires the UDT name.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTGetRecords.

Get All Results from a Query

Action Name Description Version
Get All Results from a Query Execute a B1 query for the specified query category and query name, plus query-specific parameters (as needed). Get all results from the query.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetAllResults.

Get an Activity

Action Name Description Version
Get an Activity Get an activity by ID (ClgCode).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityGet.

Get an Inventory Counting Document

Action Name Description Version
Get an Inventory Counting Document Fetch the inventory counting document with the specified DocEntry. 7.3+

Get an Inventory Posting

Action Name Description Version
Get an Inventory Posting Fetch the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 7.3+

Get an Item’s Price

Action Name Description Version
Get an Item's Price Get pricing for the specified customer Card Code and Item Code.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ItemGetPrice.

Get B1 Message Schema

Action Name Description Version
Get B1 Message Schema Get message schema for B1 inbox/outbox messages.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageGetSchema.

Get B1 Object Schema

Action Name Description Version
Get B1 Object Schema Get B1Object schema by object name.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as B1ObjectGetSchema.

Get Info about an Attachment

Action Name Description Version
Get Info about an Attachment Get attachment details for the specified attachment.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as AttachmentGetInfo.

Get System Info

Action Name Description Version
Get System Info Get B1 System Info for the company specified in the selected connector config.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as SystemInfoGetInfo.

Get the Chart of Accounts

Action Name Description Version
Get the Chart of Accounts Get chart of accounts.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as Get ChartOfAccounts.

Get the Scalar Result from a Query

Action Name Description Version
Get the Scalar Result from a Query Execute a B1 query for the specified query category and query name, plus query-specific parameters (as needed). Get the scalar result (first column and row only) from the query and discard all other data.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as QueryGetScalarResult.

Get the Schema for a UDO

Action Name Description Version
Get the Schema for a UDO Get the schema for the named User Defined Object (UDO).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDOGetSchema.

Insert a B1 Object Record (Insert Unit of Work)

Action Name Description Version
Insert a B1 Object Record (Insert Unit of Work) Insert the provided message into the identified B1 Object using the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkInsertB1ObjectRecord.

Insert a Record into a UDT

Action Name Description Version
Insert a Record into a UDT Insert a record into the specified User Defined Table (UDT).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTInsert.

Install Metadata from an Extracted Zip File

Action Name Description Version
Install Metadata from an Extracted Zip File Install metadata from the specified input message. The message is generated by using another action or trigger to import a zip file, such as via SFTP. This action may update the database structure (ex: when UDFs are added) which will result in B1 client logout prompts for active users. 7.11+

Perform a Web User Login

Action Name Description Version
Perform a Web User Login Perform a web login with the provided web username (email) and password. Applies to both BP Contact web users and Employee web users.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as WebUserPerformLogin.

Preview a B1 Object Record (Preview Unit of Work)

Action Name Description Version
Preview a B1 Object Record (Preview Unit of Work) Preview the identified B1 Object using the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkPreviewB1ObjectRecord.

Send a B1 Message

Action Name Description Version
Send a B1 Message Create a B1 message and add it to the outbox to be sent.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as MessageSend.

Submit a Batch of Transactions

Action Name Description Version
Submit a Batch of Transactions Submit a batch of transactions. Failure will abort the batch entirely.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as BatchSubmit.

Update a B1 Object Record (Update Unit of Work)

Action Name Description Version
Update a B1 Object Record (Update Unit of Work) Update the identified B1 Object with the provided message. Uses the Unit of Work (UOW) B1WebAPI keyword.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UnitOfWorkUpdateB1ObjectRecord.

This “Update” action may also be used to close a B1 Document object, provided closing is supported by that document type.

To use this action to close a document, the target map must include a WebAction set to the constant cancel, as shown below.

My Caption

Load the sample file below as an example of cancelling an order.


Map /BOM/BO/AdmInfo/Object as a constant whose value is the object type being cancelled (17 for orders, 15 for deliveries, 23 for quotes, etc.).

Map /BOM/BO/AdmInfo/Version as a constant with the appropriate version number (here, 2).

Map /BOM/BO/Documents/row/WebAction as a constant with the value cancel (all lower case). Depending on the object type and status of the objects, other WebActions supported by B1WebAPI may be used:

  • cancel
  • close
  • remove
  • reopen
  • update

Map /BOM/BO/Documents/row/DocEntry to the source DocEntry that will be updated.

Update a Batch Numbers Master Data Record

Action Name Description Version
Update a Batch Numbers Master Data Record Update the batch numbers master data record with the specified DocEntry. 7.16+

Update a Financial Project.

Action Name Description Version
Update a Financial Project. Update a financial project with the specified project code. 7.10+

Update a Landed Cost Record

Action Name Description Version
Update a Landed Cost Record Update the landed cost record with the specified number. 7.15+

Update a Record in a UDT

Action Name Description Version
Update a Record in a UDT Update a record in the named User Defined Table (UDT).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDTUpdate.

Update a Time Sheet Record

Action Name Description Version
Update a Time Sheet Record Update the time sheet record with the specified time sheet number. 7.3+

Update a UDO Record

Action Name Description Version
Update a UDO Record Update a record to the named User Defined Object (UDO). Select a message to update to the UDO.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as UDO Update Record.

Update a Unit Of Measurement Group Record

Action Name Description Version
Update a Unit Of Measurement Group Record Update the unit of measurement group record with the specified number. 7.14+

Update a Unit Of Measurement Record

Action Name Description Version
Update a Unit Of Measurement Record Update the unit of measurement record with the specified number. 7.14+

Update an Activity

Action Name Description Version
Update an Activity Update an activity by ID (ClgCode).

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as ActivityUpdate.

Update an Inventory Counting Record

Action Name Description Version
Update an Inventory Counting Record Update the inventory counting record with the specified DocEntry. 7.3+

Update an Inventory Posting

Action Name Description Version
Update an Inventory Posting Update the inventory posting for the specified DocEntry. 7.3+

Upload and Process an Attachment

Action Name Description Version
Upload and Process an Attachment Upload raw file and create/modify an attachment in B1.

This action was renamed in version 7.3.1. Older versions refer to this action as AttachmentUploadAndProcess.