Function Reference for Saltbox Core Connector

In general, Functions are used by Visual Data Mapper to transform or generate target data within a map.
Saltbox Core Connector provides several functions to aid with mappings in Visual Data Mapper.
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Conditional |
Evaluate |
Evaluates the condition and returns the field according the the outcome. |
11.0+ |
DateAndTime |
AddDays |
Add the configured number of days to the provided date. |
10.3+ |
DateAndTime |
AddHours |
Add the configured number of hours to the provided date. |
11.29+ |
DateAndTime |
AddMinutes |
Add the configured number of minutes to the provided date. |
11.29+ |
DateAndTime |
AddMonths |
Add the configured number of months to the provided date. |
10.3+ |
DateAndTime |
AddYears |
Add the configured number of years to the provided date. |
10.3+ |
DateAndTime |
ConvertTimeZone |
Change the date to the configured time zone. |
11.1+ |
DateAndTime |
DatetimeToEpoch |
Transform the provided date into the epoch or Unix timestamp. |
11.18+ |
DateAndTime |
EpochToDatetime |
Transform the provided epoch or Unix timestamp into the configured format. |
11.18+ |
DateAndTime |
Format |
Transform the provided date into the configured format. |
10.2+ |
DateAndTime |
GetLastDayOfMonth |
Get the last day in the month of the provided date. |
11.1+ |
DateAndTime |
GetMonthName |
Return the name of the month for the provided datetime. |
11.1+ |
DateAndTime |
Now |
Get the current date and time. |
10.1+ |
Numerical |
Abs |
Return the absolute value of the provided number. |
10.3+ |
Numerical |
Ceiling |
Return the ceiling of the provided number. |
10.3+ |
Numerical |
Divide |
Divide the first number from the second number to obtain a decimal result. |
10.3+ |
Numerical |
Multiply |
Multiply the provided numbers. Requires at least 2 numbers. Up to 10 numbers are supported. |
10.3+ |
Numerical |
Round |
Round the value of the provided number to the configured number of decimal places (if blank, rounds to 2 decimal places by default). |
10.3+ |
Numerical |
Subtract |
Subtract the provided numbers from the first. Requires at least 2 numbers. Up to 10 numbers are supported. |
10.3+ |
Numerical |
Sum |
Add the provided numbers together. Requires at least 2 numbers. Up to 10 numbers are supported. |
10.3+ |
Numerical |
Truncate |
Return the truncated value (the floor) of the provided number. |
10.3+ |
Text |
Compare |
Compare two strings. Optionally ignore case during comparison. |
10.0+ |
Text |
Concatenate |
Concatenate up to 9 strings, with an optional separator string between. Separator may be left blank. |
10.0+ |
Text |
DirectlyOutputThisString |
Returns the input string parameter without any processing |
11.10+ |
Text |
Format |
Format the provided strings using the supplied template. The provided template supports up to 9 placeholders, {0} through {8}. |
10.0+ |
Text |
GenerateID |
Generate short or long identifier. |
10.0+ |
Text |
Get Substring between Delimited Characters |
Get a substring contained between the specified start/end characters. |
11.24+ |
Text |
IndexOf |
Finds the index of the target within the provided string. If it is not found then -1 is returned |
10.3+ |
Text |
Length |
Get the length of the provided string. |
10.0+ |
Text |
PadLeft |
Pads the provided string to the given width by adding spaces to the left. |
10.3+ |
Text |
PadRight |
Pads the provided string to the given width by adding spaces to the right. |
10.3+ |
Text |
ParseDelimetedString |
Parse a delimited string and return output as XML, Json or CSV. |
10.0+ |
Text |
Replace |
Replace token in string with provided token |
10.3+ |
Text |
Replace Substring Between Delimited Characters |
Find a substring contained between the specified start/end characters, then replace that substring with another value. |
11.24+ |
Text |
Substring |
Get a substring of the provided input string. |
10.0+ |
Text |
ToLower |
Transform the provided string to lower case. |
10.0+ |
Text |
ToUpper |
Transform the provided string to upper case. |
10.0+ |
Text |
Trim |
Trims the whitespace from the ends of the provided string. |
10.3+ |
Text |
WrapStringInCData |
Wrap input string into CData section, optionally encode input text. |
11.10+ |
Function Names
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Conditional |
Evaluate |
Evaluates the condition and returns the field according the the outcome. |
11.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
AddDays |
Add the configured number of days to the provided date. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
AddHours |
Add the configured number of hours to the provided date. |
11.29+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
AddMinutes |
Add the configured number of minutes to the provided date. |
11.29+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
AddMonths |
Add the configured number of months to the provided date. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
AddYears |
Add the configured number of years to the provided date. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
ConvertTimeZone |
Change the date to the configured time zone. |
11.1+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
DatetimeToEpoch |
Transform the provided date into the epoch or Unix timestamp. |
11.18+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
EpochToDatetime |
Transform the provided epoch or Unix timestamp into the configured format. |
11.18+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
Format |
Transform the provided date into the configured format. |
10.2+ |
When formatting a date, datetime or time string, the following settings and defaults are used:
- (required) This string is required and may be supplied by a mapped field, a manually created string, or using other function outputs.
Target DateTime Format
- (required) This string defines how the end result will be formatted. See format options below.
Target DateTime Culture
- This is an optional setting. If not supplied, this value uses the “Culture Invariant” option.
Source DateTime Format
- This string defines the structure of the source DateTime. If not supplied, the DateTime will be interpreted based on the supplied culture. See format options below.
Source DateTime Culture
- This is an optional setting. If not supplied, this value uses the “Culture Invariant” option.
In general, format options follow the Microsoft date standards defined here:
Format strings in Saltbox functions don’t require quotes. Single-character formats (such as s
sortable, M
month-day pattern, etc.) are supported, as well as long formats (such as yyyy-MM-dd
or MM/dd/yyyy
Some common examples include:
- Sortable date (used by Shopify). For example: 2009-06-15T13:45:30
- year, month, day with no spaces (used by SAP Business One). For example: 20200224
- Full (long) date/time pattern. For example: 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> Monday, June 15, 2009 1:45:30 PM
Shown below, a DateTime (2009-06-15T13:45:30
) is given to the function in the short format (Source DateTime Format = s
) will be formatted into yyyyMMdd
format (Target DateTime Format = yyyyMMdd

Using the same formatting, the date can be supplied from a source data field. Shown below, the source field $created_at
is mapped from the source to the target, then dragged to the field from the top into the DateTime parameter.

Culture Options
Culture may be specified by providing a locale short code, such as en-US
, en-GB
, fr-FR
, etc. If not provided, or if the provided culture can’t be resolved, “Culture Invariant” will be used instead.
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
GetLastDayOfMonth |
Get the last day in the month of the provided date. |
11.1+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
GetMonthName |
Return the name of the month for the provided datetime. |
11.1+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
DateAndTime |
Now |
Get the current date and time. |
10.1+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Abs |
Return the absolute value of the provided number. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Ceiling |
Return the ceiling of the provided number. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Divide |
Divide the first number from the second number to obtain a decimal result. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Multiply |
Multiply the provided numbers. Requires at least 2 numbers. Up to 10 numbers are supported. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Round |
Round the value of the provided number to the configured number of decimal places (if blank, rounds to 2 decimal places by default). |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Subtract |
Subtract the provided numbers from the first. Requires at least 2 numbers. Up to 10 numbers are supported. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Sum |
Add the provided numbers together. Requires at least 2 numbers. Up to 10 numbers are supported. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Numerical |
Truncate |
Return the truncated value (the floor) of the provided number. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Compare |
Compare two strings. Optionally ignore case during comparison. |
10.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Concatenate |
Concatenate up to 9 strings, with an optional separator string between. Separator may be left blank. |
10.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
DirectlyOutputThisString |
Returns the input string parameter without any processing |
11.10+ |
The purpose of this action is to support an upcoming conditional mapping feature.
Format (Text)
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Format |
Format the provided strings using the supplied template. The provided template supports up to 9 placeholders, {0} through {8}. |
10.0+ |
For the following examples, placeholders 0 through 8 are filled with strings AAA
through III
Punctuation and special characters may be used.
Example: {0} - {1} / {2} : {3} + {4} . {5} _ {6} = {7} * {8}
Result: AAA - BBB / CCC : DDD + EEE . FFF _ GGG = HHH * III
The same placeholder may be used multiple times.
Example: {0}/{0}/{0} - {1}/{1}/{1}
Placeholders can be placed out-of-order.
Example: {3}{2}{1}
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
GenerateID |
Generate short or long identifier. |
10.0+ |
Get Substring between Delimited Characters
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Get Substring between Delimited Characters |
Get a substring contained between the specified start/end characters. |
11.24+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
IndexOf |
Finds the index of the target within the provided string. If it is not found then -1 is returned |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Length |
Get the length of the provided string. |
10.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
PadLeft |
Pads the provided string to the given width by adding spaces to the left. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
PadRight |
Pads the provided string to the given width by adding spaces to the right. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
ParseDelimitedString |
Parse a delimited string and return output as XML, Json or CSV. |
10.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Replace |
Replace token in string with provided token |
10.3+ |
Replace Substring Between Delimited Characters
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Replace Substring Between Delimited Characters |
Find a substring contained between the specified start/end characters, then replace that substring with another value. |
11.24+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Substring |
Get a substring of the provided input string. |
10.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
ToLower |
Transform the provided string to lower case. |
10.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
ToUpper |
Transform the provided string to upper case. |
10.0+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
Trim |
Trims the whitespace from the ends of the provided string. |
10.3+ |
Category |
Function Name |
Description |
Version |
Text |
WrapStringInCData |
Wrap input string into CData section, optionally encode input text. |
11.10+ |