Action Reference for ShipStation Connector

Actions are used by a workflow to to download, upload, inspect or manipulate data from a system.

Refer to action details below.

Action Name Description Version
Create a Label for an Order Create a shipping label for the specified order. 1.4+
Create a Shipment Label Create a shipping label. 1.4+
Create a ShipStation Order Create a new order in ShipStation. 1.0+
Get a List of Shipments Get a list of shipments which match the provided filters. 1.5+
Get Order Details Get the specified order’s details. 1.5+
Get Orders by Order Number Get any orders whose order number matches the specified value. Order numbers are not guaranteed to be unique, and may match multiple orders. 1.7+
Get Product Details Get the specified product’s details. 1.6+

Action Names

Create a Label for an Order

Action Name Description Version
Create a Label for an Order Create a shipping label for the specified order. 1.4+

Create a Shipment Label

Action Name Description Version
Create a Shipment Label Create a shipping label. 1.4+

Create a ShipStation Order

Action Name Description Version
Create a ShipStation Order Create a new order in ShipStation. 1.0+

Get a List of Shipments

Action Name Description Version
Get a List of Shipments Get a list of shipments which match the provided filters. 1.5+

Get Order Details

Action Name Description Version
Get Order Details Get the specified order’s details. 1.5+

Get Orders by Order Number

Action Name Description Version
Get Orders by Order Number Get any orders whose order number matches the specified value. Order numbers are not guaranteed to be unique, and may match multiple orders. 1.7+

Get Product Details

Action Name Description Version
Get Product Details Get the specified product’s details. 1.6+