Action Reference for ChannelAdvisor Connector

Actions are used by a workflow to to download, upload, inspect or manipulate data from a system.

Refer to the table below for action details.

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Distribution Center Create a new distribution center. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Fulfillments Create a new fulfillment. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Order Create a new order. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Order Export Mark an order as exported. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Order Item Adjustment Create an item level adjustment. i.e Cancel an order’s item and retain shipping costs. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Order Shipment Status Mark an Entire Order as Shipped 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Product Create a new product. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Product Attribute Add an attribute value to a product. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Add a component to an existing bundle. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Purchase Label Purchase a shipping label. 1.0+
Create Channel Advisor Shipping Rate Retrieve shipping rates. 1.0+
Delete Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Delete a component from the specified bundle. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Distribution Center Retrieve the specified distribution center. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Fulfillment Retrieve the specified fulfillment. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Order Retrieve the specified order. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Product Retrieve the specified product. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Product Attribute Retrieve the named attribute on the specified product. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Retrieve the specfied component (by componentID) that is part of a product bundle. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Product DCQuantity Retrieve product quantities (inventory levels) from the specified distribution center. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Product Label Retrieve the named label for the specified product. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Profile Retrieve the profile details associated with this Channel Advisor connection. 1.0+
Get Channel Advisor Shipping Labels Retrieve the specified label. May be used to retrieve a shipping label, return label, channel return label or channel packing slip. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Distribution Centers Modify the specified distribution center. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Fulfillments Modify the specified fulfillment. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Order Modify an existing order. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Product Modify an existing product. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Product Attribute Add or update an attribute value on the specified product. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Add or update the named component in the specified bundle. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Quantity Add or update the quantity on the specified bundle component. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Product DCQuantity Update the product quantity available to be shipped in the specified distribution center. i.e. Define the unshipped quantity for a product. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Product Label Assign a label to a product. 1.0+
Update Channel Advisor Product Quantity Bulk Update product quantities in bulk in the specified distribution center(s). Update may be applied to individual or multiple distribution centers. 1.0+

Action Names

Create Channel Advisor Distribution Center

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Distribution Center Create a new distribution center. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Fulfillments

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Fulfillments Create a new fulfillment. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Order

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Order Create a new order. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Order Export

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Order Export Mark an order as exported. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Order Item Adjustment

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Order Item Adjustment Create an item level adjustment. i.e Cancel an order’s item and retain shipping costs. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Order Shipment Status

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Order Shipment Status Mark an Entire Order as Shipped 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Product

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Product Create a new product. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Product Attribute

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Product Attribute Add an attribute value to a product. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Add a component to an existing bundle. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Purchase Label

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Purchase Label Purchase a shipping label. 1.0+

Create Channel Advisor Shipping Rate

Action Name Description Version
Create Channel Advisor Shipping Rate Retrieve shipping rates. 1.0+

Delete Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component

Action Name Description Version
Delete Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Delete a component from the specified bundle. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Distribution Center

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Distribution Center Retrieve the specified distribution center. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Fulfillment

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Fulfillment Retrieve the specified fulfillment. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Order

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Order Retrieve the specified order. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Product

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Product Retrieve the specified product. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Product Attribute

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Product Attribute Retrieve the named attribute on the specified product. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Retrieve the specfied component (by componentID) that is part of a product bundle. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Product DCQuantity

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Product DCQuantity Retrieve product quantities (inventory levels) from the specified distribution center. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Product Label

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Product Label Retrieve the named label for the specified product. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Profile

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Profile Retrieve the profile details associated with this Channel Advisor connection. 1.0+

Get Channel Advisor Shipping Labels

Action Name Description Version
Get Channel Advisor Shipping Labels Retrieve the specified label. May be used to retrieve a shipping label, return label, channel return label or channel packing slip. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Distribution Centers

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Distribution Centers Modify the specified distribution center. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Fulfillments

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Fulfillments Modify the specified fulfillment. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Order

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Order Modify an existing order. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Product

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Product Modify an existing product. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Product Attribute

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Product Attribute Add or update an attribute value on the specified product. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Add or update the named component in the specified bundle. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Quantity

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Product Bundle Component Quantity Add or update the quantity on the specified bundle component. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Product DCQuantity

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Product DCQuantity Update the product quantity available to be shipped in the specified distribution center. i.e. Define the unshipped quantity for a product. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Product Label

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Product Label Assign a label to a product. 1.0+

Update Channel Advisor Product Quantity Bulk

Action Name Description Version
Update Channel Advisor Product Quantity Bulk Update product quantities in bulk in the specified distribution center(s). Update may be applied to individual or multiple distribution centers. 1.0+