Action Reference for Saltbox Apps and Data Analytics Connector

Actions are used by a workflow to to download, upload, inspect or manipulate data from a system.

Refer to the table below for action details.

Action Name Description Version
Delete Attachment Delete Attachment 0.0+ (beta)
Delete Records Delete records from form data. 0.0+ (beta)
Delete Saltbox Datastore Delete a single form (including form data). 0.0+ (beta)
Delete Single Record Delete record from form data. 0.0+ (beta)
Get Attachment Content Get Attachment Content 0.0+ (beta)
Get Attachment Info Get Attachment Info 0.0+ (beta)
Get One-time Link for a New Row by Form ID Generate a one-time link that grants access add an new row in the specified form. 0.0+ (beta)
Get One-time Link for a New Row in a Named Data Store Generate a one-time link that grants access add an new row to the named data store. 0.0+ (beta)
Get One-time Link for an Existing Row by Form ID Generate a one-time link that grants access to an existing row in the specified form. 0.0+ (beta)
Get One-time Link for an Existing Row in a Named Data Store Generate a one-time link that grants access to an existing row in the named data store. 0.0+ (beta)
Get Record By ID Get a record for a specific form name and primary key value. 0.0+ (beta)
Insert AppBuilder Form Data Insert AppBuilder Form Data 0.0+ (beta)
Insert Bulk Data Insert bulk data given a file path to JSON data. Schema is not created as part of this action. 0.0+ (beta)
Push Data to a Data Store Add or Update data in a data store. 0.0+ (beta)
Push Data to Saltbox Add or Update form data, and optionally its schema 0.0+ (beta)
Retrieve Records Retrieve all records for the specified form. 0.0+ (beta)
Update AppBuilder Form Data Update AppBuilder Form Data 0.0+ (beta)
Upload Attachment Upload Attachment 0.0+ (beta)

Action Names

Delete Attachment

Action Name Description Version
Delete Attachment Delete Attachment 0.0+ (beta)

Delete Records

Action Name Description Version
Delete Records Delete records from form data. 0.0+ (beta)

Delete Saltbox Datastore

Action Name Description Version
Delete Saltbox Datastore Delete a single form (including form data). 0.0+ (beta)

Delete Single Record

Action Name Description Version
Delete Single Record Delete record from form data. 0.0+ (beta)

Get Attachment Content

Action Name Description Version
Get Attachment Content Get Attachment Content 0.0+ (beta)

Get Attachment Info

Action Name Description Version
Get Attachment Info Get Attachment Info 0.0+ (beta)
Action Name Description Version
Get One-time Link for a New Row by Form ID Generate a one-time link that grants access add an new row in the specified form. 0.0+ (beta)
Action Name Description Version
Get One-time Link for a New Row in a Named Data Store Generate a one-time link that grants access add an new row to the named data store. 0.0+ (beta)
Action Name Description Version
Get One-time Link for an Existing Row by Form ID Generate a one-time link that grants access to an existing row in the specified form. 0.0+ (beta)
Action Name Description Version
Get One-time Link for an Existing Row in a Named Data Store Generate a one-time link that grants access to an existing row in the named data store. 0.0+ (beta)

Get Record By ID

Action Name Description Version
Get Record By ID Get a record for a specific form name and primary key value. 0.0+ (beta)

Insert AppBuilder Form Data

Action Name Description Version
Insert AppBuilder Form Data Insert AppBuilder Form Data 0.0+ (beta)

Insert Bulk Data

Action Name Description Version
Insert Bulk Data Insert bulk data given a file path to JSON data. Schema is not created as part of this action. 0.0+ (beta)

Push Data to a Data Store

Action Name Description Version
Push Data to a Data Store Add or Update data in a data store. 0.0+ (beta)

Push Data to Saltbox

Action Name Description Version
Push Data to Saltbox Add or Update form data, and optionally its schema 0.0+ (beta)

Retrieve Records

Action Name Description Version
Retrieve Records Retrieve all records for the specified form. 0.0+ (beta)

Update AppBuilder Form Data

Action Name Description Version
Update AppBuilder Form Data Update AppBuilder Form Data 0.0+ (beta)

Upload Attachment

Action Name Description Version
Upload Attachment Upload Attachment 0.0+ (beta)