Action Reference for Magento Connector

Actions are used by a workflow to to download, upload, inspect or manipulate data from a system.

Refer to the table below for action details.

Action Name Description Version
Assign Products to a Source Assign products to a source.

This action was renamed from Source Item Create in version 1.13.
Call Custom Magento API Route Access a configured custom route on the Magento API. 1.9+
Cancel a Sales Order Cancel the indicated sales order.

This action was renamed from Sales Order Cancel in version 1.13.
Capture an Invoice Payment Create a new payment against the specified invoice. 1.11+
Create a Customer Create a new customer.

This action was renamed from Customer Create in version 1.13.
Create a Customer Group Create a new customer group.

This action was renamed from Customer Groups Create in version 1.13.
Create a Product Create a new product.

This action was renamed from Product Create in version 1.13.
Create a Return Add a new return. 1.11+
Create a Sales Invoice Create a new sales invoice. 1.10+
Create a Shipment Create a new shipment.

This action was renamed from Shipment Create in version 1.13.
Create an Order Refund Refund all or part of an order by creating a credit memo. Use this action if the invoice was created using an offline payment method. 1.11+
Create Shipment Tracking Create a new shipment tracking entry.

This action was renamed from Shipment Tracking Create in version 1.13.
Create Special Prices Create special pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Special Prices Create in version 1.13.
Create Tier Prices Create tier pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Tier Prices Create in version 1.13.
Delete a Product from a Source Un-assign products from a source.

This action was renamed from Source Item Delete in version 1.13.
Get a Customer Get a customer with the specified customer ID.

This action was renamed from Customer Get in version 1.13.
Get Source Items Get a list of source items.

This action was renamed from Source Item Get in version 1.13.
Get Tier Prices Return product prices.

This action was renamed from Tier Prices Get in version 1.13.
Update a Customer Update the indicated customer.

This action was renamed from Customer Update in version 1.13.
Update a Customer Group Update the indicated customer group.

This action was renamed from Customer Groups Update in version 1.13.
Update a Product Update the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Product Update in version 1.13.
Update a Return Update an existing return 1.11+
Update a Sales Order Update the indicated sales order.

This action was renamed from Sales Order Update in version 1.13.
Update a Sales Order's Status Update the status of the indicated sales order.

This action was renamed from Sales Order Status Update in version 1.13.
Update Product Inventory Update the indicated product inventory.

This action was renamed from Inventory Update in version 1.13.
Update Special Prices Update special pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Special Prices Update in version 1.13.
Update Tier Prices Updates tier pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Tier Prices Update in version 1.13.

Action Names

Assign Products to a Source

Action Name Description Version
Assign Products to a Source Assign products to a source.

This action was renamed from Source Item Create in version 1.13.

Call Custom Magento API Route

Action Name Description Version
Call Custom Magento API Route Access a configured custom route on the Magento API. 1.9+

Cancel a Sales Order

Action Name Description Version
Cancel a Sales Order Cancel the indicated sales order.

This action was renamed from Sales Order Cancel in version 1.13.

Capture an Invoice Payment

Action Name Description Version
Capture an Invoice Payment Create a new payment against the specified invoice. 1.11+

Create a Customer

Action Name Description Version
Create a Customer Create a new customer.

This action was renamed from Customer Create in version 1.13.

Create a Customer Group

Action Name Description Version
Create a Customer Group Create a new customer group.

This action was renamed from Customer Groups Create in version 1.13.

Create a Product

Action Name Description Version
Create a Product Create a new product.

This action was renamed from Product Create in version 1.13.

Create a Return

Action Name Description Version
Create a Return Add a new return. 1.11+

Create a Sales Invoice

Action Name Description Version
Create a Sales Invoice Create a new sales invoice. 1.10+

Create a Shipment

Action Name Description Version
Create a Shipment Create a new shipment.

This action was renamed from Shipment Create in version 1.13.

Create an Order Refund

Action Name Description Version
Create an Order Refund Refund all or part of an order by creating a credit memo. Use this action if the invoice was created using an offline payment method. 1.11+

Create Shipment Tracking

Action Name Description Version
Create Shipment Tracking Create a new shipment tracking entry.

This action was renamed from Shipment Tracking Create in version 1.13.

Create Special Prices

Action Name Description Version
Create Special Prices Create special pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Special Prices Create in version 1.13.

Create Tier Prices

Action Name Description Version
Create Tier Prices Create tier pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Tier Prices Create in version 1.13.

Delete a Product from a Source

Action Name Description Version
Delete a Product from a Source Un-assign products from a source.

This action was renamed from Source Item Delete in version 1.13.

Get a Customer

Action Name Description Version
Get a Customer Get a customer with the specified customer ID.

This action was renamed from Customer Get in version 1.13.

Get Source Items

Action Name Description Version
Get Source Items Get a list of source items.

This action was renamed from Source Item Get in version 1.13.

Get Tier Prices

Action Name Description Version
Get Tier Prices Return product prices.

This action was renamed from Tier Prices Get in version 1.13.

Update a Customer

Action Name Description Version
Update a Customer Update the indicated customer.

This action was renamed from Customer Update in version 1.13.

Update a Customer Group

Action Name Description Version
Update a Customer Group Update the indicated customer group.

This action was renamed from Customer Groups Update in version 1.13.

Update a Product

Action Name Description Version
Update a Product Update the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Product Update in version 1.13.

Update a Return

Action Name Description Version
Update a Return Update an existing return 1.11+

Update a Sales Order

Action Name Description Version
Update a Sales Order Update the indicated sales order.

This action was renamed from Sales Order Update in version 1.13.

Update a Sales Order’s Status

Action Name Description Version
Update a Sales Order's Status Update the status of the indicated sales order.

This action was renamed from Sales Order Status Update in version 1.13.

Update Product Inventory

Action Name Description Version
Update Product Inventory Update the indicated product inventory.

This action was renamed from Inventory Update in version 1.13.

Update Special Prices

Action Name Description Version
Update Special Prices Update special pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Special Prices Update in version 1.13.

Update Tier Prices

Action Name Description Version
Update Tier Prices Updates tier pricing for the indicated product.

This action was renamed from Tier Prices Update in version 1.13.